Steep Your Soul

Why (And How) I Keep A Manifesting Journal - Ep 35

August 09, 2023 Annabelle Matson Episode 34
Why (And How) I Keep A Manifesting Journal - Ep 35
Steep Your Soul
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Steep Your Soul
Why (And How) I Keep A Manifesting Journal - Ep 35
Aug 09, 2023 Episode 34
Annabelle Matson

In this short and sweet episode I'm discussing a simple practice will build your faith and bring so much peace and ease into your life. 

We can often find ourselves living from a place of worry - what's next?  How is that going to happen for me? 

We might manifest something and then we start to worry about the next thing. 

Life can become this treadmill of stress and tension. 

In this episode I'm sharing why and how I keep a manifesting journal. 

Start this practice and really watch how you begin to relax and how a softness returns to your body. 

You'll feel a greater sense of peace as you go about your day and your life. 

There is something bigger than you that's listening to your prayers and is aware of what you need and is willing to provide for you.  This practice will help you return to this knowing. 

Work With Me: 

My private 1:1 program

Elevate The Mastermind

The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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Show Notes Transcript

In this short and sweet episode I'm discussing a simple practice will build your faith and bring so much peace and ease into your life. 

We can often find ourselves living from a place of worry - what's next?  How is that going to happen for me? 

We might manifest something and then we start to worry about the next thing. 

Life can become this treadmill of stress and tension. 

In this episode I'm sharing why and how I keep a manifesting journal. 

Start this practice and really watch how you begin to relax and how a softness returns to your body. 

You'll feel a greater sense of peace as you go about your day and your life. 

There is something bigger than you that's listening to your prayers and is aware of what you need and is willing to provide for you.  This practice will help you return to this knowing. 

Work With Me: 

My private 1:1 program

Elevate The Mastermind

The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

Visit my website: 

Social Media

Find me on: 

Instagram Facebook Linkedin

If this podcast serves you, I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review. 

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Hello and welcome back to the podcast. I'm here with my wee girl Eloise. We're out for a beautiful walk. The sun is out and it really feels like spring is coming. I've just walked past some beautiful blossom and it's just starting to feel slightly warmer. I always find when we get through July, everyone starts to look slightly brighter in anticipation for summer, so. Here we are recording another episode together and I just had this thought as we were walking that I wanted to let you know about a practice that I use that I think would be really helpful for you. If you haven't already kind of created something similar in your own life and the practice is about recording your Manifestations or like another way of saying it is recording down like answered prayers so this is a really great practice for you if You notice that Sometimes you get worried about the future worried about how Plans are going to come together, how things are going to work out, if you're feeling unsure and clear about things in the future, if there are big prayers you want answered, something beautiful that you want to create in your life, but you can't work out how to, how to do it. This is a great practice because what it invites you into is a state of deep trust and belief. So really what the practice is, is very simple. It's, but it's about the, the intention and the Consciousness that you, you, you bring to it. So essentially what it is, is it's about taking your journal out, have it like as something special that you can return to, like a special little booklet or wee journal that you can pick up and keep using and keep recording as more things sort of come in and flow into your life. But essentially what you do, I'd really invite you to think about all of the things that you have manifested or created or you have seen flow into your life as a result of like a prayer that you were asking for or. anything where you were like, wow, this is amazing. This has happened. Like I didn't know how this was gonna work out, but wow, look at how, look at how the pieces came together. I didn't know how this was gonna work, but look at how God, spirit, the divine, the universe moved all of the bits together to make this happen. And the thing is, there are so many examples of this in our lives. But we often don't go looking for it and it's so important that we do go looking for this stuff and record it down because the more we can consciously look at the ways in which we've been supported, how it really is safe to trust and like let go of some of this control that we find ourselves in, the easier life becomes. So. Take some time. Think about how life has been good to you. Blessings that have come to you. Things you've manifested. Prayers that have been answered. Ways that have been created where you had no idea how something was going to work out, but it did. Take some time in the next couple of days and record this down somewhere intentionally and you're going to find that more stuff starts to flow as well. So you'll start to think maybe you might think about five things and you pop those down and then as you're going about your day, I guarantee you more things are going to start to float into your mind. And then as you do this, you start to really tune into this whole idea like, Oh, actually Yeah, I am safe. I am completely supported. I don't have to control every minute thing in my life that there actually is a higher power God, Spirit, the Divine, the Universe, like whatever your understanding of that is There is this higher power taking care of me and providing for me who sees and understands my needs And as willing to give me what I need, the more we can sit in there, the more peace we welcome into our life, because we realize it's not actually all up to us. And this is the beauty of this practice is it's not just about like, look at an amazing, look how much of an amazing manifesto I am. Look at all these things I've brought into my life. It's so much more than that. It's really about deepening into this trusting relationship with something bigger than you, realizing that you're so supported, that there is. As I said, something bigger than you that's listening to your prayers, that is aware of what you need and is willing to provide it for you. And as I said, this is, this is how we create peace in our lives. I think so many of us are just on tender hooks all the time, worrying about what's next. Manifest something and then we start to worry about the next thing that we don't have clarity on and it just becomes this treadmill of worry and stress and Tension in our lives and it just doesn't feel like a nice place to live from because I know that personally So I definitely have like these tendencies where I want to control everything I want to know how everything is going to work out. I want to see all the pieces played out And I feel like one of my biggest life lessons in this lifetime is learning how to trust. And so we only learn trust when we're faced with uncertainty. That's the crazy thing about it is we don't learn trust when everything feels very clear and certain. We learn trust when we're faced with uncertainties and unknowns. And we intentionally choose to lean into this knowing and understanding that we are supported and that all that we need will be provided for and then watching how life does that for us. Not always in the way that we think and not always in the way. That we originally wanted, but always in a way that supports our highest good. So this is a simple practice, but a practice that is going to bring so much peace into your life. And you're going to find more and more things are going to come to you. The more you tune into this, the more you make this a regular practice, more stuff is going to come to mind for you. So get a journal out. Start this practice and really watch how you begin to relax how a softness Returns to your body and you start to feel a greater sense of peace as you go about your day and your life So this is a wee message for my wee girl Aloise and I as we've been out walking together It's been so great to connect with you in this episode Make sure you're subscribed to the podcast, wherever you're tuning in from, subscribe so that you don't miss any future episodes. And if you know someone who would enjoy this episode, please do share it with them. And I look forward to connecting with you again soon.