Steep Your Soul
Steep Your Soul
A Realignment Process When You Don’t Feel Like Yourself - Ep 36
Ever wake up and just not feel…good?
If yes, that would make you very human!
Maybe some days you have looping thoughts or worries circulating in your mind that cause you to feel ungrounded or a bit wonky.
Maybe you can't really put your finger on it, but you just feel a bit 'off'.
This is a process that you can use in these moments.
In this episode I'm outlining 3 simple steps to use to realign you back to the best version of yourself - so you can feel lighter, more grounded, positive and energised.
Tune in to learn these 3 steps and feel better in just a few minutes.
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Hello. I'm back for another episode. And in this episode, I'm talking about a simple realignment process that you can use when you're not feeling like yourself. This process is going to help you. When you're just feeling a bit wonky, when you're feeling ungrounded, when there's tension in your body, perhaps you notice like the same looping thoughts running through your mind and you know, they're not serving you. Or, as I described in a client session yesterday, it's like a generalised feeling of blah. It's not really bad, you're not like super activated, but you're just kind of not really feeling like your normal self. This is a process to use that's going to really help you feel more calm, more grounded. More energized and really will just kind of realign you back to yourself before I get to this process I want to invite you to subscribe to the podcast. So if you're listening on Spotify there's a little bell that you can click at the top of the podcast and that will notify you about new episodes that I'm releasing And on Apple podcasts, the subscribe button is normally fairly obvious or wherever you're, you're listening from. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of the future episodes. And if you haven't already, head over to my website at annabellematson. com and download my I am audio for free. This is a really awesome audio that I recorded. Many years ago now, actually, like I would say four or five years ago and it's had Literally thousands of downloads and I still get people messaging me now telling me that that's something that they use every day It's a audio track filled with lots of really uplifting Affirmations that just make you feel really good. So head over to my website and check that out I'm actually going to be re recording it Pretty soon, but the link will stay the same Okay, so. I drew some inspiration for this episode from a recent client's client session. So this process that I'm about to take you through kind of just dropped in intuitively as we were talking because a client of mine was feeling this way she was feeling. As we talked about a generalized feeling of blah, just like not really feeling like herself and her mind works really well having a grounded, structured process to work with and to work through and my mind happens to like working in the same way. So as we were together live in our session, we kind of created this little process for her to support her to move through some of the stuff that was coming up for her. So this is a great process to use. It is quick and it's simple, but I will say if you're experiencing ongoing stress, if you notice that your nervous system is often activated, so you're often feeling racy or you feel like often you shut down or you numb out or you struggle to switch off after work and be present and the stress you're experiencing is continual and you're finding that the same stuff is showing up for you. So similar patterns people that are triggering stuff in you, something from your past you're finding difficult to overcome. If any of that is showing up for you, I would recommend my four step process to release emotional stress digital course. That's a self paced digital course that takes you through a simple but really powerful process to take care of your nervous system and release the heaviness that you're carrying in life. So it does this in a, In a more deep and comprehensive way than what I'm covering here. The link to, to that course will be in the description of this episode. It's really easy to learn and it's a process I take every single client through that I work with because it's just one of those like foundational. Concepts that I think is everyone needs to learn. So I've put it in a really affordable self paced digital course version. So you can just go through it and learn it in your own time and in your own way. So go and check that out. If you notice that your stress is like ongoing and you're often feeling pretty stressed, pretty heaviness. That course would be great for you, but sometimes we don't need to go that deep and that's really what this episode is about, is I'm giving you today a another process that's really simple to use when you're just not feeling like yourself and you, you just want a couple of quick steps to, to use to Re energize, realign, and really just kind of come back to yourself. So, here we go. Three steps to use. Step number one is a step that I'm calling airing it out. So when we're not feeling like ourselves, more than likely we have some thoughts that are circling through our mind that aren't serving us. So, anytime we notice looping thoughts, similar thoughts, That are going round and round in our mind. What I would really invite you to think about with looping thoughts is that they want some air time with you. That's why they keep circling in your mind. They're waiting for you to really sit with them and acknowledge them and see them and validate them. So the analogy that I give here is a little bit like the mum who is cooking dinner at the stove. And she's got her child who is creating something out of box somewhere next to the kitchen. And the child is calling out to the mum, saying like, Mum, mum, mum, look what I've made, mum! Mum has got like a million things in her mind. She's trying to cook dinner, she's trying to get things organised. So she's kind of half paying attention to the child, but really she's... She's really trying to cook dinner and the more she carries on in that way, like kind of giving that child the partial attention that he or she is asking for the louder that child becomes. So the child keeps saying, mom, mom, look what I've done. That's really what our looping thoughts are like. The minute the mom kind of comes over to the child and like. sits down next to the child and says, like, show me, like, what have you done here? Like, what have you created? And really sees that child and validates them. Then that child feels, like, seen and happy, and then they kind of go off on their own, and they're happy to carry on on their own. And then mum's left and, and to some peace and quiet to be able to finish dinner. Your looping thoughts are the same here. The more we ignore them, The louder they become, and the more those loops just continue, just like that child calling out for mum. So what I'd really invite you to do when you're not feeling like yourself, step one, air out the thoughts that are looping around in your mind. So this means taking them from your head and putting them to paper. So, this is like, get a journal out, get a scrappy bit of paper, who cares what it is. It's just about taking the thought and allowing them to come out of the head, onto the paper and to be seen by you. It's not enough to just kind of mentally acknowledge them. We actually need to like sit with them and see them. So journaling is great for this. The practice of. EFT tapping emotional freedom technique. I teach that in the four step process course. That's an amazing technique to use for airing out our thoughts. Anything that is going to give these looping thoughts some airtime and an outlet to move from the mind to be able to be processed and to let go. That step alone will create a a beautiful shift for you. So that's step number one to realigning back to yourself. Yeah, those looping thoughts out. Step number two is to get back into your body. When we don't feel like ourselves, we're normally spending a lot of time up in our heads and the mind is often very busy and very activated. So when we're in our heads and we're living from that place, we're spending a lot of time up in our mind. It actually creates a feeling in our body of not being safe. So there's a deeper part of us that's feeling kind of wound up. I call that the inner child from a nervous system, pers perspective, it's our nervous system is feeling really activated and it's sending these signals around the body, Hey, there's a threat here. I'm not safe. So step number two is about getting back into your body. We need to ground and reconnect with the body in order to feel like our true selves. We don't feel like our true selves when we're living from the mind, when we're thinking all of the time. We feel so much more like us when we're grounded and we're in the body. This is how we feel safe. This is how we stabilize. This is how we feel much more connected. To ourselves and just like our actions and the way we show up is so different when we feel connected to ourselves in that way, we don't feel connected to ourselves by thinking by being in the mind by constantly running the same scenarios through the mind. Hence why step number one is so important. So we get there. We get back to ourselves through the body. That's a really important point. I'll say it again. We get back to ourselves through the body, through that connection to our body. So what does it look like being in your body? There's lots of things that can support us to get back into our bodies. So I'll share a couple of my favorites. You've probably got some things in your own toolbox that you love to use as well. But I think the most important thing really is about creating some time and space with yourself. That's what gets us back into our body. It's like coming out of the busyness, disconnecting from some of that kind of urgent. Busy, racy energy that life often wants to draw us into and taking ourselves away to be with ourselves, to create that time and space to be with ourselves and hopefully that's something you've already done at step one when you were airing out some some of the looping thoughts. So dedicated space and time Just to be with yourself, and while you're there, something like breathwork would be amazing. If we've been connected for a while, you know how much I love breathwork. I'm a breathwork practitioner I held breathwork classes before I went on maternity leave. I actually have a breathwork digital course that I created just before I went on leave that I didn't end up publishing, but it's something that I will probably be releasing very soon. So anyway, keep an eye out for that. But breathwork is amazing. That is such a great way to connect ourselves back to our body. Getting out into nature. I love when I go out into nature to, There's a beautiful forest near my house, like connecting with trees, I find big trees really bring us back into our body. Maybe for you it's going to the beach or taking your shoes off and getting your bare feet on the ground. That's a great way to connect back to our body. Maybe it's like cuddling up in a really soft blanket that helps, that feels like really safe and, and comforting for you. Anything that is going to move you from the mind. back into the body. And it's the whole idea here is creating that sense of safety in your body because when we're feeling safe, that's how we stabilize. That's how we return to ourselves and feel more connected to ourselves. Okay, so let's just revisit where we've got to. Step one, airing it out. So airing out the looping thoughts. They're the thoughts that really actually want to be noticed by you. So taking some time to do something like journaling and just like doing a bit of a download, getting them onto paper, using a technique like EFT tapping. Step two getting back into your body. So whatever you need to do to to come out of your head and back into your body Something else I didn't actually Exercise can be a great way to get back into our body if we're using it in the right way not using it as a way to escape our thoughts Obviously something like yoga Incredible Pilates all of that stuff gets us into our body as well. Step three is So this is about we've cleared the old way of thinking we've come into our body. Now we need to lay down a pathway of how we want to be thinking from here. So how do I want to feel from here and what beliefs, or you could think about it as affirmations or maybe it's a mantra for you. What beliefs allow me to feel the way I want to feel. Select something that makes you feel good. And it could just be like one or two beliefs. It could be a collection of beliefs depending on what's coming up for you and how you want to feel. So write them down. Record yourself saying your beliefs. Have them pinned to your mirror. Write them on like the notes app on, on your phone and like save them as a background of on your phone so that when you look at your phone, like we do a million times a day, you see them there. So there's lots of ways that we can be reminded of our beliefs, but step three is about saying, okay. From here, this is how I'm going to be thinking. From here, this is what I'm believing to be true. And that's what's, what's going to make you feel so much better. So depending on what's coming up for you, and how you want to be feeling there's all sorts of beliefs that we can work with. But I'll share like some that I just felt kind of come through as I was prepping for this episode. So saying something like, where I am is exactly where I need to be. I'm patient with myself. I treat myself with love and kindness. I love and appreciate the good things in my life and I know that things get better and better for me. All that I need is coming to me easily. I'm staying open and I'm ready to receive what's next. It's safe to be me. It's safe to be with myself. Things have a way of working out for me. The opportunities that I need are coming to me easily. I am safe. So that's just like a collection go back and Relisten to those if you want to write them down or perhaps use them as inspiration for you to create some of your own But as I said, that's what's laying down the new way of thinking It's like this is where I'm this is where I'm going to now. This is I'm moving forward Forward with this in mind, with these thoughts, they are leading me from here. And it's just that intentional thought work, which is just so important. If we want to feel differently and, and realign back to our true selves. So a simple process to, to realign when you don't feel like yourself, step number one, air the looping thoughts out. Step two. Get back into your body, come out of the mind, get back to your body, create that sense of safety, stabilize, because when we feel safe, we're much more connected to ourselves. And then step number three, set out some new beliefs that really capture how you want to be feeling from here. Set them out and have them somewhere that you will see often, include them as part of your regular practice. So, I hope that's been helpful for you. As I said, if you feel like like there's a lot of ongoing stress for you, your nervous system is often activated, there's just a reoccurring heaviness in your life that you would like to be able to move on from and you want to feel a lot lighter. This process that I've outlined today will definitely help, but if you want to go a bit deeper, then do check out my digital course, the four step process to release emotional stress. It gives you a really comprehensive, but really easy to understand way of shifting emotional stress, shifting heaviness. So that you can just live from a much more calm, grounded, and a lighter place. So I'll leave the link below to that in the description of this. If you know a friend who would benefit from this episode, send the episode off to them. Sharing these episodes with a friend is, is a great way to support the podcast and it helps me be able to help more people. With, with the content that I'm sharing as well. So send it off to anyone who you feel would benefit from this and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast or wherever you're tuning in from. And as I said earlier, if you want to download my free, I am audio, it's a daily affirmations audio. That just makes you feel good. Go and head over to my website. The link to that is below. And that's free as well. So it's been really lovely to connect with you again on the podcast and I look forward to connecting with you in a future episode.