Steep Your Soul

An End of Year Ritual To Close Out The Year Ep 45

Annabelle Matson

Inside this episode I’m taking you through my End of Year Ritual. 

It's a super simple process and a really lovely way to close out the year + welcome in a new one. 


We often race into the new year looking ahead, but forget to look back and take stock of how far we've come and what we have taken from the year. 

There’s wisdom and gold that your year has provided you with, that is going to support you in the new year and it needs to be acknowledged to activate it

Recognising, acknowledging and reflecting on your year, helps you set goals and intentions from a ‘full’ place - which makes all the difference. 

Tune into to learn this process + experience it for yourself. 

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Speaker 1:

Hi, it's Annabel Matzin and welcome to the Steep your Soul podcast. Soulful guidance for women who are seeking deeper truth and meaning to their lives. If you're ready to move past what's been holding you back and awaken to your full potential and purpose in life, then let's get started. Hello, welcome back to the podcast. It's Annabel here.

Speaker 1:

I am about to break for Christmas, but before I do that, I just wanted to record a podcast episode with my end of year ritual that I love to do every year to close out the year before I start thinking about the year ahead. So I want to share this with you. It's super simple and I know it will just create a real difference for you and how you feel as you end the year and also as you move into the new one. So it's feeling lovely and Christmasy in our house this year. Our wee girl, eloise, has just turned one, so I feel like we get to enjoy Christmas a lot more than we did last year.

Speaker 1:

Last year was last. Christmas felt pretty hectic having a newborn. She was only a couple of weeks old and we were getting our heads around everything and so this year we get to enjoy a lot more with her, which is great and it's been really cool seeing her approach her first birthday and really starting to grow into this little one year old that is starting to say some of her first words and she's interacting with the world around her. So things are starting to feel easier, like we're heading into an easier season. So it feels really good and I think, looking back, you know, over the last year, my first year of motherhood, has taught me a lot of things. There's been highs and lows, lots of stuff in between that, and sometimes I find it actually difficult to describe what I've taken from this first year of becoming a parent, becoming a mum. It's just been. It's been so rich, full of lessons and things to lean into and challenges and all of that, and sometimes I find it hard to actually describe the change that it's created in me and what it's felt like. So I think it might be because it's still integrating. So I'm hoping to do a bit of a podcast episode on that at some point.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, here we are, one year after our wee girls being born, celebrated her first birthday, and we're heading into our sort of how I kind of see it our first official Christmas together, which is cool. So this end of year ritual that I love to do super simple process, doesn't have to take a long time, but I see it as something that's so important to do because what can happen is we sort of can drift through to the end of the year and then almost start racing into the new year thinking about what's next, what are we working towards, what's all the new stuff, but we actually forget to look back and take stock of how far we've come and what we've taken from the year that's been, because there's been many, many days, many, many weeks, a whole year full of stuff that is really worthy of our recognition and our reflection. And here's why I think an end of year ritual is really important and it benefits us so much. Is is wisdom and goal that your year has provided you. That's really going to support you in the new year and it needs to be acknowledged and seen in order to be able to activate that.

Speaker 1:

Also think, as I said, we get so busy going into the future and looking for more and the next thing that we don't take stock of what's occurred, what's been great, what we can feel really proud of, what the places where we stretched ourselves, the things that we can really acknowledge ourselves, for it's so important to sit in that. And also there's a lot of things I'm sure that you did this year that felt hard, that would have felt challenging, but you did those things, and when you review that and acknowledge it, it really further demonstrates to you that, yes, I've got the capacity to be able to overcome challenges, move through things that feel hard, and I think it's important to acknowledge that because it helps you bring that with you into the new year with anything that you might encounter that feels challenging or hard in the future. When you take stock and acknowledge that you've moved through things this year that have felt that way, it proves to yourself that I've got the capacity to be able to do that for anything in the future as well. And I think also, reviewing your year helps you set goals, set intentions, from a much more full place. I think, unconsciously, what we can do a lot of the time is feel like if we don't review the year, we race into the new year feeling like, oh, I didn't do enough, didn't get to the goals that I wanted to, left some things behind. Okay, quickly, let me just race into the new year so I can forget about those things, and then we set intentions and goals from this place of lack and insufficiency. We don't feel like we did enough last year, so we tend to sort of set the bar really high, put all this pressure on ourselves, place the expectations really high, and it kind of just sets us up to fail. It doesn't feel like a nice place to start the year from.

Speaker 1:

And I'm talking about this a lot actually in my visioning into 2024 workshop that I'm holding at the beginning of January, I'm going to be really talking about a brand new way of setting goals and intentions, a refreshing new perspective on goals and intentions, and I'm going to teach you how to set them in a way that feels light and fun and exciting and inspiring. So if you want to check that out, we're going to be doing that on the 11th of January. It's also going to be recorded. So if you're still on holiday, purchase a ticket and then you can just catch up on the recording and move through it at whatever time works for you, whether that's later in January, early February, when they could do back at school, it'll be there for you. So I'll leave a link to that in the description of this episode.

Speaker 1:

So here's really how I do an end of year ritual. It's super simple and it's really about I prefer to do this as a written exercise rather than something verbal, just because I think it submits a bit more when we write it down. But what I'd really encourage you to do is really just sit with a piece of paper with a little sort of prompt at the top of your page saying what am I proud of this year? You know, what am I acknowledging from this year? What did I overcome this year? What am I willing to really acknowledge myself for? So kind of sit with those prompts and see what comes to mind. Let it flow out. Do you might even wanna pause this audio and kind of write those questions down? But it's really about what am I proud of? What am I acknowledging within myself about this year? What did I overcome?

Speaker 1:

Take the time to go through the year and for a start you'll start to kind of feel like that top layer of stuff flows out really easily on the page. And then, when you kind of come to a bit of a standstill, I'd encourage you to think, to go a little bit further, to think what else is there, what else can I uncover, and sort of excavate to reflect on. I often go through my phone, actually go through my photos and reflect on things from the year, and it can kind of be a little bit of a gratitude list as well, like things from the year that you feel grateful for. It just makes you feel really good. When you do this process, you'll finish the year in this full place where you go yes, okay, maybe there was some stuff that happened this year that didn't go according to my plan. Maybe I didn't reach the things, all of the things that I wanted, but hey, there was some really good things in the year. There's some amazing ways that I've showed up. There's some challenges that I've overcome that really demonstrate how capable I am.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, this will make such a big difference for you in how you feel at the end of the year and as you move into the new year. So it's really as simple as that. Start with your piece of paper, write those questions at the top what are you proud of? What are you acknowledging? What have you overcome? What challenges have you overcome? What are you feeling grateful about for the year? And challenge yourself to see how many things you can get on the page and keep going, even if you feel like you've reached like all you can think of. See what else, ask yourself what else could there be, and see if you can challenge yourself to get at least 40 things down on your page even a bit more than that. So, yeah, that's a ritual that I try and do Every end of every year. It helps me so much and I hope that it helps you.

Speaker 1:

I hope you have a really wonderful Christmas and a really good break. If you're able to have one. I'll be recording more podcast episodes in the new year If you'd like some support with resolutions and goals. You wanna learn how to set them in a new way. You wanna get clear on a vision for 2024 that feels really inspiring and exciting for you, but you wanna do it in a way that doesn't have all the pressure around it. Join me for my workshop. Link will be in the description of this episode. Hope to see you there. Merry Christmas, have a great break and look forward to connecting with you in a future episode. 使고asticsnet.