Steep Your Soul

My Mastermind Is Back Again For 2024! Here Are All The Details Ep 48

Annabelle Matson

What if you could step into new heights in your career, but not have that cost your wellbeing or sense of peace? 

What if it became so normal for you to come home at night, and have your body feel light and relaxed?

What if you could walk into a room to present or speak, and feel grounded and peaceful, knowing that nothing can shake your confidence?

Elevate The Mastermind is my  6 month intimate group coaching program for professional women, women in business, leaders and aspiring leaders. 

Over the course of 6 months you will completely change your relationship with work, and learn how to advance your career in a calm, sustainable way. 

We use the power of belief and thought work to anchor you into deep belief and certainty about yourself, your skills…and it opens up a *ton* of possibilities and new opportunities. 

You'll learn how to nurture your nervous system and approach even the stretchiest of challenges feeling soft, and at ease. 

We meet weekly for coaching and Q&A (and each session is recorded if you can’t join live).

It’s an intimate group where you get to harness all of the magic of being on the journey with other likeminded women, but what often feels like the depth of 1:1 support because of our small size. 

Have a listen to this episode to learn more about the program, what's involved and how it can help you.

We begin on 29th February.  For more information head to this link:

If you have questions and want to chat further with me, book in for a complimentary call to discuss whether the program is right for you. 

Private Coaching

Working Lightly™ a program for women who want to work from deeper self belief, and advance their career with a lighter body & mind.

Download the I AM Motivational Audio for free

Releasing Emotional Stress Digital Course

Visit my website

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Speaker 1:

Hi, it's Annabel Matzin and welcome to the Steep your Soul podcast. Soulful guidance for women who are seeking deeper truth and meaning to their lives. If you're ready to move past what's been holding you back and awaken to your full potential and purpose in life, then let's get started. Hello and welcome back. It's Annabel Matzin here, and in this episode I'm sharing a little bit more about my mastermind program, elevate. That is currently open for enrollment. We're beginning at the end of February.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're listening to this and thinking about joining and you're wanting to get a feel for what it's like, what we cover, what's involved and also how it can help you. So you might have landed on this just in the podcast feed, or maybe you've gone over to the page about the mastermind and you've been checking out some of the details. I've got this episode on there because, if you're anything like me, I just love to listen to things as opposed to reading things. So I'm hoping this episode is going to be able to capture all of the important details about the mastermind and to support you to make a decision about whether it's right for you as well. So Elevate the Mastermind is my six month intimate group coaching program for professional women, women in business, leaders and aspiring leaders, those who are looking to advance their career, step into their next level of success, but do it in a way that feels calm, sustainable and lighter on their bodies and minds. So if you've ever felt the weight of burnout or you've struggled with self doubt or the pressure to constantly hustle for success and get to that next thing, you can really think of the mastermind as this beautiful sanctuary and a place for you to take a deep exhale. So it's not a place where you're going to be pressured to do more or become more. It's actually the opposite of that You're going to be supported to really trust and to deepen into and to value what you already have.

Speaker 1:

So I believe that calm, sustainable success is possible. I believe that advancing our career and achieving the goals that we want for ourselves doesn't mean putting our nervous system into a constant state of overdrive. I know that we can achieve incredible success in our working lives, but do it from a place that feels really good to us and to our bodies, and it starts with cultivating deeper belief in ourselves and our skills and in what we're offering. It's about healing the nervous system and embracing a lighter way of working. So the mastermind is here to help you with all of this.

Speaker 1:

So inside the mastermind, you're going to learn a new approach to work that we refer to as working light. It's a way of working that feels so much easier on your system and it's going to support you to work through your normal tasks at work and also challenges things outside of your comfort zone. It's going to help you achieve more of the things that you want in your work life, but in a sustainable way, without feeling overwhelmed. So you're going to learn some really practical techniques that empower you to navigate high pressure situations with a lot more ease. You're going to find that you cultivate this beautiful resilience within yourself. So if you think about things that typically in your work life or in your life that trigger you or really stump you, that might cause you to second guess yourself or feel, go into like a stressy space, or you end up feeling really low when those things happen and maybe you find yourself in that space for several days or several weeks at a time, through the techniques that you learn in the mastermind, you're going to learn how to cultivate a beautiful resilience which allows you to bounce back from those challenges really quickly. So those things that used to trigger you a lot are going to trigger you much less or not even at all. So really, you're going to feel light, relaxed, more grounded in your body as you do your daily tasks and also things outside of your comfort zone. So things that previously felt quite stretchy for you in your comfort zone, that might have felt scary, that might have sent you into a lot of overthinking or worry it's gonna just feel so much easier for you because you're gonna learn how to support your nervous system to show up in those spaces, feeling much more grounded. So the mastermind is a place for you to reclaim your energy and just cultivate a Totally different relationship with your work, a much more balanced, sustainable relationship, so that you can come home from work and feel like you've got brain space to be able to Nurture your own interests, connect with people at home that you love. You feel like you've got more of that balance in place.

Speaker 1:

One of the most amazing things and my belief in what happens for you inside the mastermind is the shift that takes place within you and how you see yourself. So a core part of what we do in the mastermind is around belief and thought work, because all change Flows from our thoughts and beliefs. Anything we're wanting to see change in our lives is Gonna start with changing the way we see ourselves. So you're gonna be guided through this incredible Work around our beliefs and thoughts to release self-doubt and deepen into your self-confidence and really expand your view of what's possible for you in your life. We often think, yeah, there's an order for me to get to where I want to be. I've just got to take a whole lot of actions and I've got to be able to have this to-do list and just do all these things, then I'll get there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, action taking and strategizing is definitely part of us getting to where we want to be, and that's also part of my role is to help Clarify that and help create a plan for you. But it's so much more More than that. It's so much more about who you're being Versus what you're doing. So who you're being is really the thoughts that you're thinking and the beliefs that you hold about yourself, about life, about what you feel is possible for you, and so, inside the mastermind, we shine this big light of awareness on this and we start to create some big changes in this area. So when you start focusing on Changing your beliefs and the thoughts that you're thinking, rather than just focusing on action taking and strategy. This is really where the magic happens.

Speaker 1:

So belief work means you start to feel full of possibility about what's next for you. You believe deeply in yourself and your ability to create and achieve the things that you want in your life. You walk into spaces and really know that you belong there and that you've got value to offer you. You just naturally lead to actions. That feels much lighter and much easier for you, because you're no longer needing to prove anything and just moving ahead and making the things happen that you want in your work and career just feels a lot less stressful. And what's so cool is Opportunities really begin to flow into your life Once you make these shifts at the belief and thought level. And it's so cool when I start to see this in clients, because these new opportunities that they start to see coming in are not because they've pushed themselves a lot more and they've hustled a whole lot more, so it's less about needing to go out and find these opportunities. What you're going to find is that more and more opportunities Start to flow to you that really match this expanded belief that you're now holding about yourself. So beautiful things begin to flow when we make the change at the belief and thought level.

Speaker 1:

So the magic of the mastermind lies in the community element and the collective coaching element as well. So obviously you've got me. This is a six month program and we meet every week over the course of six months. And you've also got this beautiful intimate group that sits around you who's there to support you, to cheer you on, to hold you when you've been having a bad week, when you've been moving through something that feels really challenging. And it's just this wonderful small, intimate group where we hold each other and we support each other. But you're never going to feel alone in your challenges. You're never going to feel like, oh, I'm the only one with this thing going on. What's so cool is when people bring their questions and their challenges and the things they need coaching on. You're going to see so much of yourself in them. So when I'm coaching someone else, you're actually getting the benefit of their coaching and vice versa.

Speaker 1:

So a mentor of mine says your coaching is other people's coaching and other people's coaching is your coaching. So there's this incredible knowledge that really begins to be shared when you are not only getting the support that you need, but you're also hearing the coaching that everyone else is receiving. That can be applied so much for you in your life as well. And because we're just a small, intimate group, the level of support often feels like one-on-one support, like you're always going to have time with me to be able to get your questions answered, to be able to move through the things that are feeling sticky or challenging. And so we meet weekly over six months, and kind of how this works is we meet on Thursdays at four o'clock on Zoom and we come together.

Speaker 1:

One session a month has got a really clear teaching theme. So there's a theme for every month of the program where in one or two of the sessions of the month, I'm breaking down that theme for you. So I'm teaching you core concepts, some really practical techniques to help you embed that into your life and into your work, and then the other sessions are a mixture of Q&A and coaching sessions as well. So it's just this incredible, open, warm, supportive, safe space for you to come into to get the support that you need to be able to move through this beautiful transformation with a lovely, intimate group of people who really understand you and what you're going through and feel like you're the only one going through it. What's great is that you can bring any and all questions that you need to our sessions. So each week you get an opportunity to be able to receive the coaching that you need. And so you bring your questions, I coach you, I guide you through what you need, and out of that comes some really clear, practical things for you to take and implement into your life. To go and see, you know, the changes that you're wanting to see.

Speaker 1:

We meet on Thursdays at four o'clock. Our sessions run from normally around 60 to 90 minutes, normally, normally more towards the 90 minute mark. And if you can't make every session live, it's really not a problem at all, because our sessions are recorded and they get loaded into the video version gets loaded into our members portal and you also get access to private podcast feed. So every single one of our sessions are loaded into those two places. So if you miss a session and you're not able to be there, you can just jump into our private podcast and listen to catch up on the session you know, and then you can start for a walk or when you're driving home the next day whenever it works for you. I love the private podcast element because I think it just makes it super easy for us to be able to kind of catch up on things, and there might be sessions that you wanna go back and re-listen to, like there was just gold there that you know. You wanna hear it again and let it sink in more deeply so you can jump into the podcast and listen to it there.

Speaker 1:

We also have a lessons library, so when you join you'll get access to our lessons libraries. It's like an online library of just incredible resources to help you. So you can think of this as little podcast audios. There's videos in there, worksheets, a whole bunch of things that add so much depth to the program as a whole. But it's also really simple and easy to work through. So there's a bunch of things in there that are gonna really help you and teach you a lot of the core concepts of the mastermind that you can kind of just move through as and when you feel you want to. So that's just sitting there, that online lessons library. So that's an amazing resource.

Speaker 1:

In addition to our sessions that we have every week as well, there's also a private Facebook group, so I'm in there all throughout the week in between our sessions. So if you have questions, something that's kind of time sensitive that's come up for you that you need some help or some coaching with before we meet in our next session, you can just jump into the private Facebook group and ask me a question and I can come back to you in there, which is really cool. So the mastermind is great for you if you are navigating a career transition. So you're thinking what's next for me, where am I heading, what do I want to be doing, and you're really seeking some clarity on that. The work we do in the mastermind would be amazing for you. Maybe you are feeling clear about where you are. Maybe you've recently taken that next step and created that clarity, but you're coming up against self-doubt. You're feeling quite stressed or overwhelmed in what you're doing. The work we do in the mastermind would be amazing for you.

Speaker 1:

Perhaps you're in a corporate role and you're wanting to continue to advance your career in that space. You want to learn how to do that in a more balanced way and create a more sustainable relationship with your work. Perhaps you're in business and you want to expand your business, expand your impact, reach more clients, create more abundance for your business, and you know that those changes are going to really start with you and it's the inner work that's going to be what unlocks that next level of success for you. You could be a current leader or an aspiring leader and you want to learn how to lead your team more confidently and learn how to lead from a much more softer, feminine place. So it's a great space for people who value growth, who are wanting to grow, step into the next level of success, but do it in a way that really honours their well-being. So we start at the end of February.

Speaker 1:

I would love to see you in there if it's feeling like a fit for you. It's virtual so you can join from wherever you're based. Our sessions are on Zoom. If you're feeling the call, go and check out the link which is in the description of this episode. That has all the details about the program. I hope this episode's given you a good overview of what it's like to be in the program, what you can expect. If you have questions and you want to have a chat to me about it, feel free to book in for a complimentary 15 minute call and we can chat about the mastermind and whether it's a good fit for you. I'd love to support you inside the mastermind and look forward to connecting with you in another episode.