Steep Your Soul

Ask Annabelle Part One Ep 52

Annabelle Matson

Inside this episode I’m launching a new segment called Ask Annabelle - where  I take questions you submit and answer them here on the podcast. 

If you’d like to submit a question for an upcoming episode. Click here to do that.

Question #1 was about finding financial opportunities while staying at home with a baby, and how to gain clarity on the best path forward.

Question #2: asked how to identify your own self-doubt and then how to address limiting beliefs.

Question #3 explored how to stay motivated and energised for personal development instead of deprioritising it.

Question #4:  was about how to take the next step towards a goal without needing to have the entire plan outlined

Question #5: discussed repeatedly being told by an inner voice that one's time will come for a desired creative outlet and what to do with that guidance. 

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Welcome back to the podcast. It's Annabelle here. So happy to be here with you and so happy to be launching a brand new series on the podcast called Ask Annabelle. This is where you have submitted your questions and I'm answering them for you live here on the podcast. There was some awesome questions that were submitted and I've. Taking some time to answer some of them here in this episode. So we're going to get into that in just a moment. If you're new to the podcast, subscribe to the podcast, have a look through the podcast feed, see which episodes are jumping out at you that that's normally, you know, the episode or the episodes that have some wisdom or some guidance for you that might be relevant for you. And if you'd like to learn more about me, the podcast, listening to the episodes is a great way to do that. And also you can check out my website, AnnabelleMatson. com and a link to my website is in the description or the show notes of this episode. So as I said, we're launching a brand new series here called Ask Annabelle. This has been so much fun. I've really enjoyed this. If you'd like to submit a question for an upcoming episode, there's a link to do that. In the show notes or description of this episode, so you can click that link and submit your question and I will be answering some questions anonymously on the podcast. And it's just a great way for, you know, you do not only receive some help and guidance, but also for others to really be served and to benefit from the coaching that you receive via you submitting your question. So inside this episode, as I said, we had some really fabulous questions submitted and here's a little bit about what I'm discussing or what I, what kind of guidance I provide in response to some of the questions. So I'm talking about how to use belief work and the power of intention to manifest opportunities that really align with your values and the things that are important for you in life. We're talking about practical techniques for identifying and replacing limiting thoughts and beliefs. We're talking about trusting the season of life that you're in and trusting the process and the pace of pursuing goals in your life and allowing ideas to unfold naturally over time. We're talking about how to stay motivated and energized and on track when it comes to our personal or professional growth. And understanding the difference between the voices of fear and intuition. And how to trust your inner guidance about the right timing of your ideas. So before we jump into this episode, I also want to let you know that I have spaces available for my private coaching program at the moment. So you can find all of the details about working with me one on one in this way, in the description below. So private coaching is amazing for you if you know that there are things holding you back somewhere in your life or work Maybe you don't know exactly what they are But you sense there are things getting in the way of you Experiencing the career success that you desire the relationship that you desire and The peace and contentment and ease that you desire in your life. I'm here to help you release the stuff that's standing in your way. So patterns, old beliefs, thoughts, behaviors. So you can really be set free into all of the positive change that you've been thinking about, that you've been dreaming about, but maybe has sort of felt out of reach up until this point. So a lot of people come to my private work because they feel like workers is feeling stressful and hard. Maybe they're unsure about where they're heading and what they want. They've got big dreams and ideas, but they're struggling to create momentum behind them. There are familiar doubts or fears or worries that follow them around, and they just can't seem to shake those. A lot of people come to my work because life's lost that spark. They feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities, their relationships are suffering, and perhaps they're working really hard at a dream or a goal, but they're just not seeing the outer results that they know are possible for them. And after we do this incredible work together, clients share with me that they feel like life is totally in flow. They experience new opportunities coming their way. It feels like things are finally falling into place for them, that they're working towards dreams and goals that previously felt so out of reach. They feel lighter and more joyful, more Work feels a lot easier. They have deeper belief in themselves and what they're capable of. They feel more clear about where they're heading. Their relationships are more connected. They're just feeling so much more settled, safe, and relaxed. So there are three and six month options available to work with me one on one in my private program. I've been doing this work for almost a decade now. It is a true joy for me to support my clients in this way, and I'd love to help you experience these positive changes if it feels right for you. So check out the, the program options in the description of this episode, and now let's get into the episode. Okay, I'm recording this in nap time. So let me see how many questions I can get through before my wee girl wakes up from her nap. So, first question is, I would like to stay at home with my baby for a few years more. However, while we can live on my husband's salary only, that would mean giving up a lot of the small luxuries I used to enjoy. I used to be really career focused when I was younger, Now, after having my baby, I only want to be a mum. I don't feel the need to have a career anymore, but I would still like to have more money for our family. So, how can I find clarity on what I should do? So, I'm assuming that this means you'd love to earn some kind of money yourself or contribute in some way financially to your home, but you're not really interested in, you know forging like a new career path something that perhaps requires like a lot of energy from you at this, in this sort of season of your life. So I think the first place to go to always is belief work. So looking at the beliefs that you hold about this before considering anything else. So the first thing I would ask you is, do you believe that there are ways for you to make the money you want without having to go back to work in a formal sense or to work in a job? Do you believe that there are those opportunities out there for you? So start there. Because if we to get honest with ourselves often, The answer is no or maybe like our belief is like somewhat there. The most important thing to understand here is that everything flows from a belief. When we don't believe that there are opportunities out there we're not going to act in ways that are actually going to create that opportunity, that outcome that we want. Because Action always flows out of a belief, out of the thoughts that we're thinking, and we are always acting in ways that are in alignment with our dominant thoughts and beliefs, whether we realize that or not. So it becomes a little bit like a self fulfilling prophecy. So if I woke up this morning believing that today was going to be a really bad day, like a really hard day, just a really stressful day. I'm likely to seek things out and to take action in a way that confirms that to be true. So I might really unconsciously, I start the day thinking it's going to be really hard and stressful. I start the day picking up my phone and scrolling through my phone a lot. Maybe I unconsciously kind of like reach for bad food that like doesn't give me any energy and gives me like big highs and lows from a blood sugar perspective. Maybe I'm like short with people and I kind of get into arguments with people. So really what we're believing to be true is what, is what really becomes true for us. So like, and in the same way, if I believe today's going to be a great day and I wake up. With that belief, and that is a thought in my mind, I'm likely to take action that confirms that to be true, right? So I'm, I'm acting in ways that are going to help me feel really energized, that are going to help me feel positive, that'll help me feel really good. So the same is true here with what it is that you're wanting to create. If you believe That there are opportunities available out there for you to make money while you stay at home with your baby Then you will create those opportunities So you don't have to see them to yet to know that they're there or that they're available But it's starting with a belief first because what that does is it creates a feeling of possibility So if you're leading with a belief like I believe that there are opportunities available for me that will allow me to make money, contribute to my family while I stay at home with my baby. I believe that there are opportunities like that out there for me. So if you're starting with that belief and really beginning to think that every day, you're starting to write that down every day, every time the doubt comes into your mind, you're bringing that belief up in your, in your mind. It's going to really create a whole different feeling in your body about this. So rather than feeling maybe despondent or a bit stuck. You're going to start to feel like this energy of possibility, this feeling of possibility. And when you feel full of possibility, that feeling is going to lead you to take actions that are really different. It's going to support you to start to explore, to start to be curious. And if you don't believe there are opportunities, you're likely to feel, feel really stuck and really frozen. And that in turn is you're going to prove that original thought to be true. When we feel stuck and frozen, we're unlikely to act in ways that are going to create opportunities for us. So we prove that thought to be true. Yep. Yep. Yep. There are no opportunities. So starting with this belief that yes, there are things out there for me. And what this does is like does a few things. It creates that feeling of possibility, which will, will really change the way we act and lead to really different outcomes. But energetically, I think it starts to open us up to new opportunities because I think life really has a way of bringing us things that match the beliefs that we're holding. So when we start to sit in this energy of possibility. We're open. We're open to, to receive new ideas, to receive new ways of doing things. And also when we hold this intention that there are opportunities and I'm going to find them, the brain gets really focused on that. So this is the power of intention. We start to really filter out things. In our environment and our brain starts to really seek out things that are are matching the focus that we have. They call this like the part of the brain is the reticular activating system. And it's sort of part of that phenomenon when you go to, to think about buying a certain car and it's a color. Certain model and then all of a sudden you're driving around town and you see everyone else is driving that same car That's what's happening here is your brain is like filtering out all of the other cars All of the other models all of the other colors and is is showing you That car that you're wanting to buy in that color because that's what you're focused on So the same things happen happens with anything else that we're focused on in life good or bad If you start to really hone in on this intention There are opportunities out there for me Your brain is going to start to bring those into focus for you. You're going to start to, to, to, to filter out other things and bring things into your awareness that match that intention. So believing first, not even fully believing it, but just a little bit more than maybe what you have been in order to be able to see it. That's a huge part of this. For me, I would really be using the power of prayer to say, show me what this is. I want to stay at home with my baby. Show me how I can make this possible. I'm ready. I'm here. I'm open. Show me what the next steps are. Show me where the opportunities are. So I would definitely be using the power of prayer. Prayer is just so powerful. I'm just It's proven to me like time and time again, how much it works. So I would definitely be using that as a technique and don't get despondent. If you don't see something come right away, like the next day or the next week, it's about staying in positive expectation. So believing that this can come to you, even if you don't see it right away and staying in that. Openness, that energy of possibility as the pieces come together. And when opportunities start to show up and you start to see new things come into your awareness, which it will, which they will, it's being willing to move on those things, but explore them with a spirit of curiosity. Sometimes for me in the past, I, what I've noticed can happen when I'm holding an intention like this about something is that I'll start to see new things show up and it's like I, I grab onto that first thing and I feel like I need to run with it and it's kind of coming from this energy of fear. I'm sort of trying to artificially speed it up. So just lightly hold the opportunities and the ideas that are coming your way and. Just explore them with curiosity and start to see like, okay, well, how does this feel to me? Like if I start to take a few steps towards this thing, I start to explore it a little bit more. What's the feedback that I'm getting from my body? Because our bodies are always communicating with us. Does this feel good for me? Does this feel like something that, that, that's true for me? So, notice the things that are exciting to you or that bring you joy, often there's some clues that lie there, and just know that there are many opportunities to be able to do both if, if you want to. I only work two days a week. With my wee girl is in daycare for, for two days, and then I just work in her naps. Outside of that, I obviously don't see clients when she's napping, I see clients when she's when I've got child care. This was a huge part of me being able to make both work, was deciding that it would work, deciding that it was possible. And through that belief, it's like the, the, the way it was made, the, the path was created. Okay, let's move on to the next question, which is how to identify my own self doubt. So how do I even identify my own self doubt and then how do I address it? Sometimes I don't even consciously know that I'm doubting myself and limiting myself. Great, great question. What's important to understand about this is think about this formula. You have thoughts, or you're holding a belief that's going to create a feeling in your body, and that's going to lead you to act in certain ways, to take certain actions. So it's getting curious, I think, Often the feeling is the way that we can spot this. So, so I think for you, it's the difficulty you're having is identifying is the self doubt or where is the self doubt showing up for me? What I would say is that's going to be more evident for you in the, in, in feelings that you're having and also in behaviors or actions that you're taking that potentially aren't serving That's where we can spot this often a lot more easily. So It's kind of looking at how are you feeling throughout the day? So when you feel anxious or low or numb or racy or whatever it might be, whatever heavy feeling you might be having, I want you to trace that back to a thought. To start to look at, okay, well, I'm feeling this way and I know that thoughts create feelings. So what thought can I trace this feeling back to? So it's starting to really generate much more awareness around how your thoughts are impacting the way you're feeling and in turn the actions that you take, which I'll talk about in a minute. So start to draw that connection. How am I feeling and what thoughts? Thoughts and my thinking that are creating that feeling. So that's going to help you spot where the self doubt is or, or, or the limiting thinking that isn't serving you. Then look at the behavior action part of this. So think, okay, thoughts create a feeling for me and feelings lead me to take certain actions. or act in certain ways, to behave in certain ways. So it's getting curious again, and saying like, why am I doing this? So if I'm doing something that I know is not serving me, that's always going to be traced back to some kind of a thought. So if I'm procrastinating, why am I procrastinating? And for me, it's like, if I'm procrastinating often, the thought is that I'm thinking, I'm worried this isn't going to work and I'm worried this might fail. And that's how I can spot the thinking often is through the things that I'm doing, the ways I'm acting and behaving that aren't serving me. So Start there, what are, and maybe get clear, what are the things that I'm doing that aren't serving me, that I know are blocking me, that I know are limiting me, that I know are holding me back, and what thought could I trace that back to? What is the thought that I'm thinking that's creating that? And then of course, the logical next step would be about really thinking, what new thought or belief is going to serve me better? What, what is a much more empowering, self supportive, positive, Belief filled thought that I can be thinking that's going to support me to a feel better and be act in different ways. So I think for, for a lot of people, this is really common. It's sometimes hard to identify at the thought level, the thoughts and initially the thoughts that aren't working for us, but it's so much more evident in the actions that we're taking or the feelings that we're having that just don't feel good to us. So start there. Okay, next question. How to take the next step without thinking I have to have the entire answer or the goal outlined? Yes, really good question. So, assuming that you have a goal in mind, like something that you're wanting to work towards. I've mentioned this earlier, but I always say to approach things with a spirit of curiosity. So if you see that you like, there's an idea that's come to you that you're, you're kind of feeling intrigued by or excited by, or it's kind of like, It's like, okay, let me explore this. Let me explore this and let me enjoy the process of kind of discovering what this is all about. Leading with a thought of like, I'm interested in seeing where this takes me. And a big part about this is trusting. So looking back on the times in the past where it actually all made sense, right? You didn't always, you didn't have all of the information. But somehow, bit by bit, the steps became clear. And for me, to be honest, for myself, like in my own life, and then through my work with clients, very rarely would I say that the whole thing lands on our plate in one go, where we get this idea and the total clarity and the means to accomplish it in one go. Very rarely does that happen. And more often We get the idea and we start to st see steps one and two. And I think it's normalizing this. It's knowing, it's it's safe and okay to move forward with the steps that you do have. It's moving forward with what you do know, and trusting that as you move forward with what you do know more of those steps are gonna become clear for you. And that's why it's really helpful to look back in, in the on the past and look for evidence as to why that's true. So look for the breadcrumbs that life is leaving for you right now. What do steps one and two look like and I think what why this To the mind, this can be frustrating because the mind would love to have all of the steps laid out because it feels more safe. There's less risk, there's less uncertainty, but actually just having like steps one and two and having to move forward with those. There's, there's a lot, there's a lot that works for us when it, when it happens in this way, because we really get what, what we need for right now. And it's the process of achieving the goals that we're working towards. It's the process that really prepares us. and readies us for the steps that come later. Like if we actually knew all of the steps that we might have to take to realise this dream, to make it happen, and if we saw all of them, so steps 1, Let's say we had full clarity about that. We might actually look at some of the steps that we have to take. It's steps six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and go like, Oh wow, I can't do that. Like that's way outside of my comfort zone. I'm never going to be able to do that. And we'll probably block ourselves from even getting started, even moving forward. And so it actually works for us to only have partial clarity because what happens is we take steps one and two and we learn some things there and we take steps three and four and we learn some more there, we start to build more confidence, there's things we start to deepen into, whatever it might be and it's this process that really prepares us and readies us to be the person that needs to action Steps 10. So I can really see that for things for me right now in my work. I know that there's like a couple of like ultimate goals that I'm working towards that are more longer term for me. And I can see that there are steps. Coming my way at the moment, especially in the last year that are preparing me for that. And I know that those, if I knew what steps 7, 8, 9, 10 would ask of me and require of me in order to achieve that ultimate goal, I think I'd be too freaked out. I think I, I would be, be like, Oh, that feels too much. It feels like too much of a step for me, but I know the things that I'm stepping into at the moment. That I feel I'm, like, are coming my way, opportunities, things I'm having to act on. That's all preparing me to really be that person that can take those actions later on. So it all works for us. And so what I would say is don't undervalue the steps that are in front of you. Trust that the trust and move forward with the knowledge and the understanding that you do have right now and know that that's enough. And that as you step out, it's an exercise in faith. As you step out and take those actions, more of those steps are going to become clear for you. And we only know this by doing it. It's that that's the only way we build faith and trust is by facing the uncertainty and taking action anyway. Okay. Next question. How do you motivate yourself and energize yourself instead of just deprioritizing your own personal development and your own career development? Okay. So with a question like this, I always say when someone's not feeling motivated, there can be like a number of reasons why that is. Or if we're not finding that we. we have the time or we're not prioritizing the things that we know are going to move us ahead. More often than not, I would say that it's not because you need to be better at time management. What I would say is it's a, it's a safety thing. So the question would be, what am I afraid might happen if I really prioritize myself? What would that mean if I did step out and actually do the thing that I'm feeling afraid of? And then what could be bad about that? So it might be thoughts of like, well, if I did step out and do that thing, maybe I might fail. Maybe it won't meet my expectations. Maybe I won't be good enough. Maybe I won't be capable of doing it. So it's very much a safety thing. And so it feels much safer to stay where we are. And that's often what the whole piece around not being able to prioritize ourselves and. Take the action that we know is going to move us ahead. That's more of what it is, is it's about us needing to make it feel more safe to move ahead. So it's a nervous system thing and it's really beginning to create an embodied feeling of safety each and every day. And when we start to feel more safe in our body, it's much easier to move forward. And what I mean by that, it's like emotional safety. And what we often don't realize is that so many of us are living our lives and moving through our days and weeks in a place that doesn't feel emotionally safe. Like our nervous system's often ramped up, we're often in fight or flight, we're often in freeze, like procrastination, shutting down, we can be in fawn, which is people pleasing. These are all signs that our nervous system is not feeling safe, is feeling dysregulated. I talked about that on a previous podcast episode. So it's about really demonstrating to our body, Hey, you're safe. And we can do that in so many different ways. Breathwork being one of those things. That's amazing. Putting our phone down, getting outside. You know, grounding first thing in the morning, being out in nature, going for some long walks, you know, getting off our phones and all the sort of stuff that keeps us so connected and like breathing deeply. So many things that we can do in that space to support our nervous system. So it's, it's demonstrating to your body as often as you can, Hey, I'm actually safe. It is safe. And when our body feels safe, it's so much easier to move forward. Into something that feels a bit stretchy, it feels a bit scary because we're feeling much more grounded in our bodies. And so it's like the action can sort of naturally flow out of us when we feel safe. So that's a big part of it will be safety. And then I think it's also about making a commitment to yourself. If you kind of, if that resonates with you, like, I'm worried that if I did step out and do this thing, then, you know, I might fail, or I might not be good enough, or it might not meet, it might not meet my expectations. It's really about making a commitment to yourself. And this is something that I always do when I'm doing something that feels really stretchy for me. Like it's like, it's a thing outside of my comfort zone. It might be a new, a new offering or a new way of doing something and, you know, a new level of visibility. Is I really stop and I consciously make a commitment to myself. So I might even just like write this down in my journal. It might be something that I say to myself, like as part of a daily practice, like with my hand on my heart. And it's saying to yourself, like, I will still accept you, even if this doesn't meet your expectations. Like I will still accept you, even if this doesn't work out the way that we'd planned. And it's reminding yourself that you don't seek your self worth through this. So the stakes feel so high with stuff, I think, when we unconsciously attach our self worth to our achievements and our successes. No wonder it feels difficult to be able to move forward with stuff. If somewhere underneath, unconsciously, we've made that connection or decided that I will be better if I achieve X, Y, or Z. So it's completely breaking that connection and saying, no, I, my self worth is innate. Like I am not seeking my self worth through this, that I'm already enough, I'm already good enough, and whether or not I achieve this or this meets my expectations in the way that I want to, doesn't change that. So this can be extremely healing for us to stop and make that commitment to ourselves. To, to be on our own team, to be on our own side. This feels so much more supportive. It breeds safety in your body. So it's going to make it a lot easier to step out and to take action. So use that as part of a daily practice. Say that to yourself every day. And I think you're going to notice a lot of that beginning to shift. Okay. Next question. We have previously spoken about my desire to have a creative outlet or a job that works around my small people and running a home. What I'm repeatedly coming up against though is being told by an inner voice. Or the universe is that my time will come. I mean, what do I do with this? This voice is low and steady and and assured. So, great question. And I think what you're talking about here is I've done a, an op podcast episode actually way, way back. So you might have to like flick through the podcast feed. And it's, it's about the difference between fear and intuition. And so really what you are speaking about here is. That is, that is that wise in a voice speaking to you about what's true, about, you know, what you need to do. And so I think it's about trusting it. So fear, when we hear fear talking to us, it's very urgent and scarce and has this kind of like hyped up energy to it. That's our fear voice talking to us, but if we have like, if we can slow down enough, we will often hear what you're describing here is this inner voice that feels really steady and calm and Assuring or reassuring. That we know is the voice of our intuition or, you know, in many other ways, you know, that is the voice of God speaking to us. It's that higher wisdom speaking to us. So it's trusting that that's what it is. And it's staying in, in exploration and curiosity around this idea, as I've kind of been talking about a little bit on this episode. So clearly what that voice is saying to you is that this season right now that you're in is not about forward movement with this idea yet. It's about staying in some exploration and curiosity around it. So there are obvious limits to the season that you're in right now, and that has to be okay. Okay. Like it's not the time to action this and to move forward and to create tons of momentum behind it at the moment and that's okay. This is something that is a cultural message that we just don't hear enough about trusting the season of life that you're in. Nothing is going to create more strife and stress for us and chaos for us if we try to do things differently. That don't match the season of life that we're in. If we try to artificially speed things up, against the timing that they're kind of wanting to, you know, be played out in our lives. And I've totally done this before. I've received ideas. And that it comes from a place of fear. That fearful part of us is like, must act now. Okay. Let me grab this and move forward with it immediately because I'm worried that I'll run out of time. I'm worried that it won't happen if I don't do it immediately. And so it's got this really like hyped up, urgent energy around it. And I've always found like pretty much a hundred percent of the time when I approach things from that place, like chaos awaits, it, it's like, It makes the process way harder. I run into tons of difficulty. There's just roadblocks. It all just feels really difficult, but if we can, you know, have ideas come to us and to trust the process, to trust the process and the timing of our ideas and trust that inner voice, that, that wise voice that saying, Hey, not yet. The time is going to come, but it's not right now. When that time does come, I can guarantee you that it will all flow so much easier for you. So the option is you could do it now, but you're working against. the natural timing of this idea and you're more than likely going to find that there's a lot of challenges that arise as a result. If you can wait and trust on the timing of this idea, I can guarantee you that when it, the timing is right, it's just going to flow. You're going to find that you've got the capacity to be able to action it. There's the time available to do it. The doors will just naturally open. Things are just going to flow so much more easily for you. because the timing has been right. So trust the season that you're in. Know that it's okay to not be in a season of massive momentum towards this. It's being where you are, trusting where you are, finding what's good about where you are right now. Being grateful for the season. What are the gifts of this season? The mind always wants us to be in this place of like major action and momentum and doing all these things. Not every season of life is actually like that. Like we need some seasons where that are about slowing down, that are about pausing, that about being still. That's really normal. We can see that. You know, evident in nature and the seasons of life, right? Summer is a season where there's like tons of growth, right? We see out in my veggie garden, you know, there's tons of things growing. My garden, there's things growing. As humans, we're out doing a lot of activities. It's a really social time. We're outside a lot. And then we start to come to this point of the year, things begin to slow down and we get into winter and it's a much slower time. So it's really important, you know, to, to honor that, to, to trust the seasons of our life and to trust the timing of our ideas. Okay, I think that's about all I've got time for today before my wee girl wakes up from her nap. I have really enjoyed doing this with you. I'm going to leave a link in this description like of this episode for you to submit more questions to me. So what other questions do you have for me? What would you love for me to answer for you? What are you struggling with? What are you feeling challenged by? Submit your question below and I will answer it in the same way that I've done today and non anonymously. For you, I may not have a chance to reply to every single question that comes through, but trust that if you've submitted it, I would have received it with a lot of love and gratitude and come back into, you know, future episodes and check and see if I have responded to your question. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you haven't already, I would really appreciate if you reviewed the podcast or left a rating. If you enjoy the podcast and it serves you in some way, please do that. It really helps to support the work that goes into the episodes. It helps support the podcast to be out there, to be seen by more people so that the episodes can serve and help them as well. And if you're after some support, check out my private coaching options, which there are places available right now at the moment. And my specialty is really being able to identify and get to the core of what's been holding you back from experiencing what it is that you want in your life or work, whether it be deeper connections in your relationship, stepping out into new and bigger opportunities in your career. Getting clear on what it is that's next for you from actioning the things that are important for you in terms of goals and dreams and desires. I help you move past beliefs, thoughts, patterns, old stuff that's been a barrier to the peace, love, contentment, ease, and success that you've been dreaming about. It's the most incredible life changing work, and I would love to support you if it feels like a fit. There are a couple of options. Three and six month options. Both include 12 one on one sessions with me. So you've got this amazing regular support where we move through this journey over these 12 sessions to really take you from where you are to where you want to be. You have access to me outside of our one on one sessions. via the app telegram. So this means you can send me voice notes and text messages in between our sessions. If there's something you're celebrating, if there's something that feels challenging or that's come up, that's been stressful in your life, you just have this amazing access to me outside of our sessions. So you can send me a note. I will come back to you. With guidance, coaching support, and it really adds so much depth to your program, having this kind of access outside of your session. So that's kind of like a fun part of, of this private program. You also get access to a comprehensive digital resource library. So this is designed to support and really enhance your learning in between coaching sessions. So the library includes. A lot of beautiful resources like videos and audios and worksheets and breath work exercises and guided meditations, additional tools and practices to really help deepen your, your personal growth and your development through this journey. So all of the details about working with me privately, one-on-one and the link below. If you'd like to check that out, if you're welcome to book in for a call with me, if you want to chat, chat it through with me as well. So thanks so much for tuning in to this episode. If you know someone who would really benefit from something that we talked about here, please do share it with them. Don't forget to submit your questions for an upcoming Ask Annabelle episode and I'll see you in the next one.