Steep Your Soul
Steep Your Soul
Highlights From My Workshop on Self Doubt & Self Belief - Ep 59
Recently, I held a workshop on self belief, how we can learn to release the voice of self doubt and deepen into a feeling of certainty, self belief and confidence.
It was such a fun session that I wanted to create an episode where I share some of the highlights with you here.
Inside this episode I share:
> How self-doubt is a normal experience, and the goal is to learn to reset and return to self-belief.
> Some of my recommended tools to process self-doubt and shift to self-belief
> The importance of making time for self-reflection and choosing to believe in your capabilities
> The power of 'looking for evidence' as an antidote to self-doubt.
....and more.
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Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. It's Annabelle here. And on this episode, I'm going to be taking you through some highlights from a workshop that I recently hosted all about self belief, how we can deepen into build more self belief and really show up in our work and our life with this level of certainty about ourselves, our skills, our value, and what we have to offer. So it was a wonderful workshop. If you missed it, I'm going to take you through some of the highlights, some of the key points that came through this workshop that I know other people found really valuable. So I hope you find it valuable too. So the first thing I want to mention is if you experience self doubt to know that it's really normal. It's really normal. It's really normal. After nine years of coaching work and spending countless hours of coaching with other women, I just know that self doubt really touches most of us. Even those of us, that you might, people you may look at and think, Oh, they wouldn't ever experience self doubt. I can almost guarantee you that they do. It's a really universal thing and it impacts us all in different ways and to different degrees. But it is just very normal to experience self doubt as a human being. And I think for some of us, self doubt shows up as a conscious thought. So really conscious thoughts that are really limiting, quite negative, maybe quite critical in nature. For some of us, self doubt shows up more in our behavior and our choices that we make. It's perhaps maybe more evident in the ways that we are holding ourselves back where we're not allowing ourselves to be seen or put ourselves forward for things. That we know are going to really help us, but they're going to help us move into the things we really want. And for others self doubt is more evident in how we feel. So often when i'm working with a client the general uneasiness that they're feeling or the stress or the burnout that they're experiencing More often than not can be traced back to a feeling of self doubt. So it's universal. We all experience it to some degree And it's not a problem to experience self doubt. And I want to also share that no self doubt isn't the goal. So it's not. The goal, it doesn't need to be to rid ourselves of every feeling and thought of self doubt. Instead, the goal from my perspective, what I believe the goal is that when we experience self doubt, it's learning to reset and return to self belief. And the more we can do this, it Recognize when self doubt shows up and make this return back to self belief the easier it's going to be to access that feeling of self belief and the longer we will stay in that feeling. So I talked about in this workshop, how processing our self doubt is really important. Sometimes it shows up. And we want to suppress it and shut it down. But it's really important that we bring it to light. So practices like I'm a big fan of EFT tapping journaling, breath work. These can all help us reset and return to self belief when the self doubt shows up. So when it. When it creeps in, it's natural for our minds to get stuck in that negative thought spiral where we replay the negative thoughts, the limiting beliefs, the fears, the insecurities. And when we get stuck in that spiral, it's like our focus really turns. Towards those things and they strengthen and it can create a lot more stress, a lot more worry, a lot more anxiety and really a feeling of being quite stuck. So the reset and return process that I shared on this workshop really is about taking proactive steps to acknowledge when self doubt shows up. And to process the emotion and the energy that sits around self doubt and then consciously shifting your mindset back to self belief. So I talked about tapping earlier. It's a EFT tapping is an incredibly effective tool for this tapping on specific meridian points while saying certain phrases. Voicing affirmations, it calms our nervous system and helps us rewire neural pathways. It's really giving your brain a reset. It allows you to let go of the self doubt and tune into a much more empowering, confident mindset. Journaling is another powerful tool. When self doubt shows up, write those self doubts down. Thoughts out and then challenge them. What's the evidence that contradicts these limiting beliefs? What would you be saying to a friend who is experiencing the same thing and bringing a lot of self compassion to this process, not judging ourselves for having these thoughts and don't underestimate the power of using your breath. Deep intentional breathing can instantly shift your physiology, Move you out of that fight or flight mode and into a much more grounded and centered place. And from that place, it's much easier to anchor into that mindset of self belief. So try a simple belly breathing exercise the next time self doubt shows up for you. Inside my program, Working Lightly, which is currently open for enrolment, we start on the 5th of September, I teach you all three of these things in a lot of detail, but I also teach you a whole suite of tools to be able to use to shift self doubt, to fundamentally change the way you think, and to anchor into positive thinking. Much more self belief and certainty. And not only do I teach you these tools, but we're using them all the time throughout the program. So this program spans six beautiful months and every every month or throughout the month, We're using tools like this together. And so it helps you to really embed these tools into your life. So it's one thing to know about the tools, but it's another for them to be really embedded into your life for you to be using them, to understand them to experience their power. And so that's what we do inside Working Lightly is you receive lots of cool tips, techniques, strategies, tools, a beautiful toolbox to help you with this. And I'll be sharing more about that towards the end of this episode. Next, I think it's about resting in your enoughness. So I talked about on this workshop how it's important for us to create space for self reflection to anchor into more self belief. So in our busy lives, it's really easy to get caught up in that constant doing mode where we're just like going from one thing to the next and to be really outward focused, focused on other people, their needs, our tasks, what needs to be done. But I think to truly feel. And embody the belief that you are enough. You need to prioritize time for stillness and connection with yourself. So what could that look like? That could be 10 or 15 minutes in the morning to journal or meditate or to just be present with yourself before you start the day. You might see this as more of a wind down routine in the evenings to decompress and reflect on the day. So the key here is to really create a regular cadence of pausing, slowing down, and allowing yourself to rest in this feeling of your own enoughness. This space also creates opportunity to be able to process our emotions challenging, limiting beliefs and just reinforce this mindset of self acceptance and self belief. I want to ask you, how can you build in more time for self reflection this week to have that space to rest in that feeling of being enough? I also talked about on this workshop and I shared this quote doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs. And I think this really gets to the heart of managing self doubt. It's so easy for our minds to get caught up in negative doubtful thoughts, that voice that tells us we're not good enough. We're not capable enough. Someone else has more than us. They're better than us. We're maybe not worthy enough. But what I really offered the invitation that I offered on this workshop is that we all have the power to choose which thoughts we give credence to, we get to choose the thoughts that we think, and the ones that actually rent space in our head. So when self doubt creeps in, the invitation is to bring doubt. To the doubt itself. So learn to question your thoughts. Learn to question the beliefs that are coming up in your mind. Asking yourself, is this thought really true? What evidence do I have that contradicts this? By doubting the doubt, we create space to shift our focus to the beliefs that are actually going to serve us that are going to help us step into the things that we want to be doing in our lives and in our work. So maybe the belief is I am capable, I believe in myself. I believe that I've got value to offer. I am good enough. I trust myself and my abilities. Whatever it is, it's choosing to believe these thoughts and letting them take root in, into, in your life, in your mind, in your body, and letting those thoughts guide your actions, which is, going to fundamentally change your experience. So it takes practice, but each time you choose to doubt your doubts and choose to believe in yourself instead, to look for that evidence, you really strengthen that self belief muscle. So that's my invitation to you. The next time self doubt arises, meet it with compassion, redirect your mind to thoughts that really empower you. That are steeped in this feeling of self acceptance, self love self compassion. And again if you want support with this, we do this work and working lightly over six months. It can feel overwhelming to know where to start with this work, but each month of the program and working lightly. Each of the six months we break this work down into core themes. There's a theme every month and each week of the program I'm guiding you through specific techniques and practices to help this really take root in your life. So you don't feel like you have to do this alone. You don't have to try and work out what you need to be focusing on first. I lay it all out really clearly and plainly for you. And we follow it, follow this This process, this framework together is this lovely, small, intimate group. The next thing that I talked about on this workshop was looking for the evidence of your capabilities and enoughness. So I guess this kind of builds on my last point, but the thing I want to say is that the proof is already there. So often we get caught up on focusing what we haven't achieved or the areas where we feel like we're lacking. But it's so important that we shift our perspective and really celebrate our wins to celebrate the things that are going well, looking at the things that are going well, no matter how small they may seem. So I want to really invite you to reflect on what's been happening for you in the last couple of weeks, what accomplishments. Even if they might seem minor, really demonstrate your skill, really demonstrate your value, your sense of worthiness. Perhaps you like finally sent that email off that you'd been putting off, or you handled a challenging conversation with a lot of poise. Maybe you completed a project ahead of time, or You chose to treat yourself to some needed self care, even though there was lots more stuff that needed to be done. Whatever it is, give yourself credit, go and look for what's working well. Go and look for that evidence of your enoughness. Don't diminish these things. Don't overlook those things. Breathe them in, acknowledge when things are going well acknowledge your capabilities. This evidence is such a powerful antidote to self doubt. When we consciously recognize our strengths and successes, it really reinforces our sense of self belief and just becomes so much easier for us to trust in our abilities, to trust that we can do hard things, to trust that we can do challenging things. And that we're really enough just the way we are. It can be so easy to get caught up in this mindset that we'll be enough when that thing finally happens, when we achieve this thing, when we finally got this, or we lose this or whatever it might be. And it's such a mindset of lack, looking for evidence in your life of your enoughness. Moves us into an energy of abundance, and it's so much easier to step forward into things that feel challenging to things that we know we need to do that. We know we want to do those stretchy things. They become so much easier when we're approaching them from this place of abundance, where we feel full of our own self acceptance. So make a habit of this. Keep a running list. Share your wins. Take a moment at the end of each day to really reflect on what is going well in your life. So if you're interested in going deeper on building self belief and you want to learn how to Really embody this and to advance your career and your work in a calm and sustainable way, then working lightly is going to be a great option for you. This is a beautiful six month program with me. It's an intimate group coaching program. We start on the 5th of September. And it's just an amazing way to. Not only learn these concepts, but to really embody them in your life because we have six beautiful months together at this, over this course of this period of time, we have the ability to, you have the ability to learn these things, but to really embody them in your life. We're really setting you up for long term sustainable change in these areas. So it's not just about a surface level confidence. What you're going to learn in Working Lightly is about cultivating a deep, unwavering self belief that really radiates out through every area of your life. And people are going to notice this. Clients have been through this program. People see this in you. The people around you see it. People that you're working with see this. And as a result of the self belief that you're in, that you're radiating out, many of the clients will share who've been through this program, that opportunities come to them as a result. So what does it feel like to work lightly? When you embody the concepts that I teach inside working lightly, you breathe more deeply. As you approach challenging or stretchy tasks, your body feels so much lighter and more relaxed. And there's just a feeling of ease that you can rest in. As you work, you're going to find through the work we do in working lightly, that you have more brain space and energy to do things outside of work. You'll walk into rooms and spaces and to know that you actually belong there rather than that voice of self doubt, talking you out of that. You. Be able to really embody this feeling that yes, I belong here. And you're going to feel much more softer, more connected to your feminine energy. So when we're working lightly, it's more easy to leave work at the door, to have that sense of balance in our life. We are prioritizing life outside of work. We're able to be more present in our relationships to be fully there. We can put ourselves forward for the opportunities that we really want. We feel like we are capable of stepping into those things. We have more clarity about what it is that we want, and where we are heading and taking action towards those things becomes so much easier. As I said, we start on the 5th of September. This program combines live coaching sessions held three times a month. You get access to an online portal. That has powerful concepts and practices and techniques that you'll learn to embody all of this and more. It's a beautiful intimate community. So this is a small group program. Where you're joined by a group of like minded women. Women who are experiencing the same things as you, who are working towards the same things as you. As you, and there's just real power and being able to come together throughout the month and discuss this stuff, work through this with other people who really get it. And there's just a lot of power and the coaching that I provide you. But also, when we come together in a group and I'm giving coaching to someone else, you're going to find you get so much value from their coaching as well. So because this is an intimate size It's like there's a lot of deep in the coaching support that you receive. So whilst it's a group program, you're also getting plenty of personalized coaching and lots of time from me to support you with your questions as well. So if you're ready to move past self doubt to feel lighter, more confident, More relaxed and really build the career and life that you want. This program would be great for you. Spots are limited because as I said, we're a small group and we start on the 5th of September. So the link to check out all of the details is below and on that link, you can also check out How to book in for a call with me if you want to chat through the program. So thanks so much for joining me on this episode. Make sure you've subscribed to the podcast. Go and check out some of the other episodes if you haven't already. And I look forward to connecting with you in another one.