Steep Your Soul

Unlocking Clarity: Four Keys To Stimulate A Flow of Ideas, Insights & Opportunities - Ep 62

Annabelle Matson

This podcast episode is a recording of a recent workshop I held about getting clear on the path ahead.

I discuss the 4 keys to gaining clarity about your next steps.  When you apply these strategies, you'll see how it will stimulate a flow of new ideas, insights, and opportunities towards you.

This episode is for those feeling stuck or uncertain about their direction or who feel change stirring but are unsure on what that is.

You'll learn practical advice and inspiration to move forward with confidence.

If you enjoy this episode, you may like to check out my latest program, The Clarity Code, starting 7 November. 

Inside The Clarity Code, you'll learn a step-by-step framework to overcome indecision, confusion and uncertainty and gain clarity on your future direction and the next steps to take. Join us here: 

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Welcome everybody to today's session, all about unlocking the flow, unlocking the flow of clarity and really we're going to be discussing these four keys, these four key ideas that really help us remove the obstacles that are standing in the way of the clarity and the opportunities and the ideas. And the insights that we're seeking about what's next for us and where we're heading. And that's a really core belief of mine when it comes to clarity is that it's not something we need to hunt down. So your next steps, what it is that you're doing next or the ideas that you're seeking, whatever that may be, it's not something you need to hunt down or. Reassure yourself to uncover. Clarity is something that we allow into our lives. We allow it by removing the obstacles that are in the way. And you're gonna see that as we go through. There are things that are wanting to flow to you. Really know that things that are want are wanting to come to you to bring you more purpose and fulfillment to give you more direction. You're never stuck where you are. There are always more avenues available to you. And it's about opening ourselves up to receive those things. So that's what we're going to be talking about today. So whether you're here live or catching this recording at a later time, it's really awesome to have you here. And I'm excited to be jumping into this with you. I know that this is a topic that's been circulating for many people recently as well. I've had so many conversations with people, particularly in the last, I would say, six to eight weeks, where this question has been coming up. What's next for me? Where am I heading? I've got these ideas, but I'm unsure on which one I should be moving forward with. So I know that this is a topic that's circulating in the collective at the moment. Yeah, I followed that guidance that this is out there. There's a there's a need for more guidance and I think encouragement around this topic as well. So we're going to be getting into it. We're going to take a deep breath together before we jump into it. If you're catching up on this at a later date, there is a workbook that accompanies the session that you can download and follow along with us as we go through. And then if you enjoy today's session, there's another way that we can do this work together and do it in a deeper way together. And that's through my new latest program called the Clarity Code. And that's really there to help you uncover your next steps and create that clear path forward. So I'll be sharing more about that at the end, but whether you choose to jump into that experience or not this workshop is here to support you to give you some really good fundamentals to move forward with. So first thing that I want to talk to you about, I'm going to talk about it in these two different ways. So we're going to talk about the obstacle to clarity and then what the key is to clarity. And the first thing is that I want to talk to you about is not confronting disempowering thoughts about change. And the key here is Belief or to believe. So here's the truth. We cannot get away from our thoughts. They are the biggest driver of our outcomes and our results and our experience in life, because everything blows from a thought. And if we've worked together before, this sounds like a way, but like a broken record but there's so much truth to this, if I'm thinking a certain way about something, this is going to create a feeling in my body. And that feeling is going to drive me towards the outcome that I want, or it's going to take me away from it. We need to really get clear and start to uncover what are the thoughts that I'm holding about myself and my ability to change. And sometimes these things aren't always obvious. But if we're in any of these sorts of feelings, frustration, anxiousness, a stuckness, feeling really confused, It's quite likely that there are some disempowering thoughts that are driving those feelings and are creating an obstacle. They're blocking the flow of clarity from coming into your life. So I want you to think about it in this way. So when I think about it, everything flows from a thought. If I'm thinking a thought deep down, and again, it's not always conscious. Sometimes we have to go to what I call is the second layer of thinking. If I'm thinking a thought deep down, I'm not good enough to change. Or change isn't possible for me, that's going to create a feeling of anxiousness or disempowerment or frustration in my body. And when I feel that way, I'm really unlikely to take any kind of action that's going to create forward movement and momentum in my life. Which is in turn going to generate clarity for me and direction for me. So you can see how that's flowed from a thought. That feeling of not taking action and feeling stuck has actually flowed from a thought. So a lot of the time what I say is, it's not actually that we're stuck. It's thoughts that we're thinking that are making us feel stuck. So what's important to understand is when it comes to change, when it comes to clarity, your mind is really going to want to try and protect you from doing something new. It doesn't want you to step into the unfamiliar. It wants you to stay exactly where you are. And what's familiar because that is what's safe. And when you start entertaining the possibility of doing something new, walking a different path, taking on another job, doing something completely different, whatever it may be, making a change, you're going to start to hear these stories come up in your mind. And what's important to understand is these stories are not true. They feel true. This isn't possible for me. I can't do this. What if I fail? They feel true, but what they are is they're self protective. Your mind is trying to protect you from stepping into the unfamiliar because it says the unfamiliar is carries all sorts of risks. It's not safe. And it's not necessarily like a physical safety thing. And it's an emotional safety thing. So what if I do this and this fails, what are people going to think about me? What will I feel about myself? So we really need to shine a light on these thoughts that we're thinking. Because they're having such a big impact on the actions we take and our ability to change. Our ability to generate. Clarity, our ability to step towards something new. So some of the disempowering thoughts that we can hold on to can be things like, I'll never figure this out, or something bad is going to happen if I do this, or I'm going to fail. I'm not good enough. I don't have enough experience. I don't know what I'm doing. What are people going to think of me? And it's not like we necessarily walking around with those stories as very loud, conscious tapes every single day. But often they're there. It's evident in the feelings that we're having about change and in the actions that we're not taking, that's how we're going to see those things. And when we're thinking these thoughts, I'm not good enough, whatever version of that is coming up for you, you can see how when we're thinking that thought, it causes us to contract. We start to really resist the process of change. We, it stops us from moving and it's going to block the clarity that we seek. So the visual that I always think about around this is like tires in the mud, like spinning around so quickly. These thoughts can cause us to go very mental and think a lot and go into a lot of overthinking, but we don't move anywhere. We just get really stuck spinning around in these stories and these thoughts. So again, it's not that you're actually stuck. It's the thoughts that you're thinking that are making you feel stuck. It's the thoughts that you're thinking that are making you feel a certain way that stops you from taking action, which creates that feeling of stuckness. So isn't that the good news is you're actually not stuck. It's about the thoughts that you're thinking and the great news of even better news is you get to choose your thoughts. No one's choosing them for you. You can start to be way more intentional about the way that you're thinking. And I think the other thing about this empowering thoughts is it creates a real fog for us. It makes it really hard to tune into, to our inner guidance, to receive guidance, and to see the little breadcrumbs that life is leaving for us, which I'll talk about shortly. Because life is always working for us. Life is always wanting for us to evolve and to move into whatever is next, right? There's always more. There are always more ideas, more opportunities, more ways of doing something. We need to keep this abundant mindset. And if we don't believe that there are more, we're not going to see them. When we change the way we think about ourselves, about what's possible, about our ability to change we lift the fog, we lift the mental fog, and we suddenly we start to see pathways. We start to see an idea, or a door, often that was actually there, it was already in our space but we were blinded to it. We became blinded to it because of that mental fog that disempowering thoughts can create. So when we start to change the way we think and change the way we feel, we take different actions. It's like the shackles come off our ankles and we're free to step forward. We're free to move, to try things, to explore, to be curious. And that's how we're going to see the change that we're really seeking. So this key is to belief. Believe in yourself. Believe in what's possible for you. Believe in your ability to change. Believe in your ability to figure it out. So I've written in your worksheet, what are your thoughts? What are the thoughts that might be holding you back? And again, be willing to dig around and have a look for these. They may not be super conscious, but it may sound something like, I can't do this. I don't know enough. Change isn't possible for me. What if I fail? What will other people think of me? What if I'm not good enough? I'm stuck. I just don't know. So just take a moment to jot those down. What are the thoughts for you that are circulating, that are creating that Feeling of tires in the mud, spinning around. We'll just take a moment to reflect on that before we move on. And I want you to look at what are the ways you think these thoughts have been holding you back. In what ways have these thoughts been holding you back? Have they been stopping you from taking action? Have they been stopping you from having conversations with people? Entertaining the idea of changing? Putting yourself forward in some way? How have these thoughts been holding you back? And then when you're ready, what's the new thought that you can be leading with? I've written some examples down in your worksheet there. Change is possible for me. I'll figure this out. Opportunities are all around me. There are always more opportunities. I'm open and ready for the clarity about what's next for me. I'm good enough. I can do this. Maybe there's some others, but just choose one thought that you can be leading with. And if you have anything you want to share around that, feel free to drop that in the chat. I'd love to hear. It's just a really important concept that I hope you'll would further. Today's workshop will cement for you is that if you believe that change is possible for you, you will act in ways that will confirm that as a truth. If you believe change is possible for you, you will act in ways that will confirm that as a truth. And you've actually already got evidence of this. You can see how disempowering thoughts about change and your own abilities will create a truth for you. You now have the ability to swap that and change those thoughts, change what you're believing as possible for you, and then see how that becomes your self fulfilling prophecy, how that becomes a truth or a reality or an experience for you. Cool. Joe, I have a belief that work wise I don't have control over future opportunities. Yeah. And then doesn't that just feel so out of control for you? Like you are stuck until someone picks you and chooses you. It's really disempowering, isn't it? It's really getting out of the on the front of that to say I create my own opportunities. Opportunities are all around me. Opportunities are wanting to find me. I'm a magnet for opportunities. You can even just feel as they're saying that how that really starts to open up your energy You're going to see things beginning to move in your life as a result of that. Cool. Love that. So our thoughts are a huge part of this. And if taking the next step and working with me in the clarity code is something that you're interested in, this is going to be one of our key concepts where I'm going to teach you how to shift your thinking. And specifically, we're going to be looking at this mindset around change and possibility around change and how to really land in this place of confidence. And certainty around change being possible for you because when you believe it, you're going to be, you're going to be creating that in your life. So again, I'll share more about that at the end. Okay. Obstacle number two. And then we'll look at the key. So obstacle number two is staying in indecision. And the key here is to decide. I wrote an email about this maybe last week. And I was thinking back to this time when I was walking through a period of uncertainty. Where I was overthinking a lot. I was feeling unclear about what was next for me. I needed to do in my work, in my business. And I had so many ideas and I was tossing all of these ideas up. And I was serving people in my life saying, what do you think I should do? And it was just making me feel really stuck. And actually I, it started to I was losing confidence in my ability to make good choices because I was outsourcing. So much of my power to other people. What do you think I should do? What's right for me to do? And so it's just in this place of feeling really stuck. What am I going to do next? And then I was came across this quote, which was like, it just spoke to me so clearly. And it, the quote said indecision is a decision. So by staying in indecision, I was actually making a decision for things to stay the same and what I had to do, what that really I guess encouraged me to do. Was I had to look at the knowledge that I had in front of me What were the things the steps that were in front of me and I had to make a decision To be bold and courageous and step out and do the thing that I did know how to do rather than spend all this time trying to nail down a the right thing. We can get stuck in such intense paralysis trying to, and it's that perfectionism that can come in. I've got to choose the right thing. And this thing is going to determine the rest of my life. So I have to get it right. You can see how that will just totally stop us from deciding and moving forward. So what I did when I noticed like all of that perfectionism and paralysis was coming up was I decided, I just made a decision. Okay. These, there are these options in front of me. And I'm actually just going to decide that this is the right thing for me to do. I'm going to make a decision. And when I decided. Instantly momentum arrived. I felt create my creativity began to peak. Ideas started to flow to me. Some more steps started to show up for me. Outcomes opportunities started to flow in and this was all a result of deciding and making a decision. And so there's a very active energy. I think that sits around deciding to do, to move. And with this, we have to really risk. Failure. We have to risk getting it wrong to get the clarity, to get the momentum, to get the direction that we're seeking on the other side. And there's been many times when I've stepped out. And made a decision and walked towards something. And I realized oh, this was a misstep. I don't think this was right. And it felt like a flop, right? The thing that I've really come back to time and time again is that there are always more steps to take. So if we do step out and move towards something and it's not what we'd hoped, doesn't pan out the way we'd hoped, you don't reach a stop sign. And it says turn around and go back. There's no nowhere else for you to go here. There's always More doors that will open for you Another pathway that will appear more opportunities. It's having that abundant mindset. There is not going to be one decision that you make in your life that will determine the rest of your life. Life's way more dynamic than that. It's always moving. There are always more things we can be doing to bring ourselves into greater alignment with where we want to be. So we have to move forward based on what we know what's in front of us. And there aren't guarantees and we're not going to know at all. Which I'll talk about in a second, but what I've come to know and what I've come to really commit to myself about is that I would prefer the course correction that can sometimes happen when we realize we've made a misstep than the intense paralysis that comes from trying to get it right and staying stuck where we are. And we get to decide what that means. If we step out and we realize Oh, this is, wasn't quite right for me. We get to decide what that means. It can mean whatever you want it to mean, right? You get to decide. No one's imposing a definition on us around that. So the key here is to make a decision. And I want to challenge you. What has been knocking on your consciousness? What's in front of you? And it doesn't have to be the biggest thing, but potentially there is a decision right now in front of you that you can decide to move forward with. That may be the catalyst that may kick off a whole bunch of other momentum for you in your life. So we've got to decide. Obstacle number three. Thinking you need to see the whole path before you step out and the key here is To move so it's building on what we've just discussed so often We're waiting at step one and we know a change needs to be made. We know we're not happy where we are We know we're where we are like we've with this period the season that we're in whatever ruin It's got an expiry date and it's probably expired and we need to move on We don't want to move until we can see all of the Steps one to 10, and it's almost like a subconscious commitment that we make to ourselves or subconscious agreement we make to ourselves. I'm not going to move until I see her full sight and full certainty, but that's not really how this works. We have to move with the knowledge that we have and trust that the next steps are going to be laid out for us. This is a real lesson in trust and faith. This is a huge part of the clarity piece. is to really lean into this idea of trusting life to support you with what you need. And when it comes to clarity, when it comes to your next steps, you cannot rely on yourself and your own understanding, because there are going to be things that you don't know, but see what you do know as being enough and move forward with that. And when you demonstrate that trust and that faith by stepping forward with what you do know, that's when we see the provision of the next steps. So we may start with only seeing steps one and two and if we move forward with steps one and two in faith We actually get rewarded by that. We get to, we see provision, we get into step two, then we start to see steps three, four, and five, six, start to light up. And then we can move forward with those. We get to step six, and then we start to see seven, eight, nine, 10. And that's how it works. We get to see all of the steps laid out when we look back, but we won't see that looking forward. So I really want to ask you, what are the steps that are already in front of you that you can be taking to start to build more momentum and clarity in your life? We would love it to be like this big dramatic aha moment where we go ah, that's what I'm supposed to be doing, right? We would love it to come in this full way, this one moment that's kind of Voice from the heavens to tell us, this is it for you. Because we would love it because it would give us full certainty in one go. And that's always most likely how most of us would prefer it. Really, there are things that you're being guided to do that are leading you down this pathway all the way to step 10. So it's about paying attention to the small uses. It's paying attention to the breadcrumbs. That life is leaving for you and that's going to help build momentum. There is no momentum if you choose to stay at step one, waiting for all of the steps to be laid out for you. You will always be waiting. There's no momentum there, there's no clarity there, there's no change there. You've got to get off the starting blocks and move forward with what you do know. Clarity doesn't come all at once. Most of the time it's going to gradually unfold. Through these kind of series of what I call breadcrumb moments. So we've got to pay attention to the things that life is wanting us to see. What are the breadcrumbs we've got to see these things as enough and choose to move forward with them. So what are those things in your life? Maybe it's that you're being called or guided to read a certain book. Maybe it's joining a new group. It's an interest that you have. Being guided explore or a new area of learning and not necessarily in a formal way But maybe it's through reading books YouTube videos. Maybe you're being guided to Have a cup of coffee with someone someone's been knocking on your consciousness That's one of your breadcrumb moments reach out make the date go out and see them Maybe it's a daily practice that you feel has been stirring for you, like I'm needing to be more still, I'm needing to create more quiet time, to connect with myself, to connect with guidance. So some of these things might seem random and the mind might say what's that got to do with this bigger clarity that I'm wanting in my life? But we never know why we are being guided to do these smaller things until we look back. We just know that there's an inner nudge there, there's something there that we're needing to pay attention to. So notice what those things are. What are those things that have been showing up in your life you're feeling nudged into? So this is stuff's going to make a lot of sense when you look back, and this is what's going to help you move forward in the direction of what you want. So I just want to give you a moment to think about that. What are those little nudges? That you've been getting and maybe sometimes those nudges are things that we need to stop doing and it could be as simple as like Spending this time on our phone. Sometimes it's about Feeling guided to take care of our bodies in a new way and that's really important preparation to build physical capacity for The work you're going to be called to do next the capacity to be able to actually do it So just think about that. What are those little things that you're being guided to do? And again, this is going to come to you now, but also just trust that this is all going into your mind and your subconscious is going to marinate on it. And the days and weeks that follow the session. So you're going to get guidance and some, you're going to reflect in a certain way now. But there's going to be more that's going to be revealed to you over the coming days and weeks. So feel free to drop that below if you can think of something that you're being guided to do, one of your breadcrumbs. Then we've got one more key that we're going to be covering and then we'll open up just for some sharing and reflection Q& A if you need any support. So the final thing that I want to take you through is the obstacle and the key, and that is rushing the space in between what's often referred to as the space in between I'd call it the waiting season and seeing that as a problem to be solved. So there's a clear purpose why we have to wait sometimes. So the space in between, between where we are and where we want to be sometimes referred to as like the wilderness. Wandering through the wilderness where we are like, ah, I just, I don't know what's happening. I don't dunno where I'm going. It can feel really confusing. Confusing. It can feel scary, it feels uncomfortable, and we wanna solve it. We wanna get out of it as quickly as possible. But if we move prematurely, we are likely to solve that uncertainty from the limitation of our own human mind. And we end up in a place that we're not supposed to be. And I've definitely done this. More than once. We move prematurely out of fear. We're in the space in between. We're waiting on clarity. We get worried about the fact that we don't have it. The alarm bells start to ring in our body and our mind and we see this as a problem. And I want to tell you it's not a problem to not know. There is a purpose to this season. There's a purpose to why you're waiting. And it's actually part of the process. Of gaining clarity. So if you're in that right now, the good news is you're actually already on the path to gaining clarity. And there are times in life is cyclical in that way. There's times where things are flowing and we just feel really certain and we're in this flow where things are just working and it's all just amazing. And there's times where we don't have that, where things, it feels like a contraction, it feels like there's waiting, it feels like a big pause over our life. But the most important thing to understand is that there is clarity on the other side. If we're prepared to wait and not see it as a problem. So don't see it as a problem to be solved, see it as a time that's preparing you for what's next. And I've just done a whole podcast episode, I think it was about an hour long, all about the waiting season. So you might like to go and check that out if this resonates with you. And in that podcast episode, I talk about this is. This waiting season is the space that allows for really important growth and for lessons to be learned. And while we wait, we're being prepared for the blessing. We're being prepared for the opportunity that's about to come in. And there are certain things that we're going to be guided to let go of during a waiting season. Ways of thinking, habits, ways of seeing ourselves. All of this stuff will start to bubble up to the surface while we're waiting. And that's why it can feel so uncomfortable and so scary as we get face to face with all of these thoughts and all of these fears, right? All of that stuff comes up while we wait. And I call this like the rumble. We go into this rumble where we're wrestling with these things, these fears, these anxieties, these worries. Again, it feels so uncomfortable. It isn't a problem and like you're so safe and that there is clarity coming This is all bubbling up to the surface for a reason so that you can really see it You can see these things you can process them. You can move through them and leave them behind and importantly you can leave those things behind so they don't block the blessing that's about to come into your life So there's a purpose To waiting it's preparing us for what's next. So don't rush it. Don't see it as a Allow the waiting season to do its work on you, lean into the lessons, the things that the waiting season is wanting to prune off you to release from you. And I want you to really think about that. The key here is to embrace the pause. So if you're in the space wandering through the wilderness a bit, what do you think this period is offering you? What do you think you're being called to learn as you wait? And the key is going to be in some of the feelings that are showing up for you. If you're feeling anxious, if you're feeling frustrated or worried, if you're feeling doubtful, your lessons in the waiting season are likely to be in those areas that feel those emotions have clues for you. Okay, we're going to jump into Q& A. A good question, which I'll answer you in just a second. This has been really fun. I've really enjoyed sharing this with you. As I mentioned at the beginning of the session I know a couple of you are already joining me in this space, which is awesome. But I'd really love to invite you into my latest program, the clarity code, which is all about this. It's, we're going to do a much deeper dive into all of these concepts. So as I said, clarity is not something you need to hunt down or chase or pressure yourself to get. It's something that we allow into our lives when we create the right conditions for clarity. And that's really what the clarity. The code is all is to equip you with the inner and outer work that creates the right conditions for clarity to flow to you. And I've created this framework that's going to help you overcome indecision and overthinking and confusion. And it's going to help you gain clarity on your direction and the next steps for you to take. So this program is here to help you connect with what inspires you and excites you and in a fresh new way. You're going to gain confidence in your ability to embrace change and try new things. You're going to feel calmer and more connected to yourself and your own needs. You're going to experience the surge of momentum that comes from stepping forward and starting to take action. And you'll leave the program with a clear action plan or continued momentum and progress after we finish. So we do this work together over three months as a small group, and we're starting on the 7th of November. We meet fortnightly where I'm going to be breaking down and teaching you these key concepts of this clarity framework. We have a short break of a Christmas for around three weeks, and then we'll resume in January. Our sessions are on Thursdays at two o'clock on Zoom. If you can't join some of these sessions live, it's not a problem. A recording will be available straight after the session. We've got a private podcast making it super easy for you to tune into the sessions while you're on the go exercising or cooking whatever it may be. So don't let scheduling conflicts be a barrier to you getting the support that you need. If you're feeling like this program is something for you. Because some people will choose to join this program and be a part of the live sessions and come live and others will complete this program and more of a self study way where they'll move through the lessons and catch up on the sessions in their own time in a way that works for them. And both are equally as powerful. So you get to choose your own journey with this program. There's also an option to add on. Private monthly one on one sessions with me as well for an extra added layer of support. And there's a great bonus on offer. If you join by tomorrow, Friday, the 25th of October, and we're going to have a bonus call next Thursday a clarity Kickstarter call where we'll meet together. There'll be some really great coaching and Q and a work that we'll do together to really create some momentum for you before we officially begin the following week on the 7th of November. So the details to that, if you're catching up on this somewhere else, like on the podcast the link will be in the description of this episode and I'll just drop that down in the chat now for you. And then let's open up for questions. I'd be really happy to help anything, CML, good to see you. Okay. Can you talk more about how emotions have clues for you? What specifically do you want me to talk around that for you, Sophie? You were just talking about before when you're in that waiting period and the emotions come up. Yep. That come up have hints for you. Yes. Or have the clues for you. And so I was just wanting to understand that a little bit more. Yeah, sure. So I think it really speaks to when we're waiting, we're in this waiting season. If we're, let's just choose an example. Let's say we're feeling really doubtful and worried and anxious about not feeling clear about not knowing. There's a reason why those emotions are surfacing for you, because they're giving you an opportunity. They come up in a really intense way during a waiting season. And in such an intense way that they become such a clear invitation for us to do something about them. It's not that they're wrong per se, it's more just that it's giving us an invitation to deepen into trust. To release and let go of worry to change the way that we're thinking about what's possible to lean into greater faith that life can support us with what we need. So that's what I mean by leaving clues. Did that make sense? Awesome. Any other questions or feel free to just share? Maybe there's a takeaway from today that you want to share from today. You're welcome to let me know or just drop it in the chat. I'd love to hear. What's been that thing that may be. I found it quite interesting about like the safety in in, in the fact that indecision is a decision. Cause I feel like in this waiting period, as you call it, I've been like actually frustrated in my own inaction. Do you know what I mean I'm like procrastinating, not doing much and making reasons and excuses for that. And I just think that's quite an interesting thing for me to start reflecting on. And maybe that's because I feel comfortable where I, do you know, I feel comfortable when I'm not taking a risk or it's interesting when I start thinking about it that way. Absolutely. And I just think so many of us get that, like I really get that too, that is such a common human experience because we would way prefer to have certainty. Would way prefer to just not have to take risks and not have to experience failure. But I think there is a point where. That desire to stay safe becomes so frustrating and almost intolerable for us that we're actually prepared to step out and take a risk. And so that rumble that you're feeling inside of you is actually a good thing. That's actually going to become. It's going to be a motivation. I think for you to stay on that. I think what will support you the most is really looking at what we talked about. What are the thoughts that are driving that need to stay where I am. Changing those thoughts is going to make that feel a lot more safe for you to move into something. Yeah. Yeah. That's exciting to think about. Isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. Thanks. Okay. Anyone got anything else they want to share before we close out the session? No, all good. Okay. Thanks everybody for joining me today. Been so great to share this with you. If you want to come back and have a listen to this, I'll pop it up on the podcast. And you can catch up on it that way. And. I'd love to see you in the Clarity Code if that feels like a next step for you. If not jump onto the podcast. There's loads of episodes on there that can help you. I can think of a number of episodes, finding the courage to walk your own path. That's one of the most popular episodes had tons of downloads. It's one of the very early episodes. That's one I think that could really help you that waiting season. I think is also one that can really help you too. So jump on the podcast and use that as a resource to help and support you as well.